DR S CHAKRABORTY( MD-MEDICINE)DR S CHAKRABORTY( MD-MEDICINE)Finally I completed my first ultra marathon run of 80 km organized by Tuffman at Coorg, Karnataka. It was very tough to say the least but the end result was really sweet. I ran along with my wife who did her first 50km run. We are happy but whomsoever hears about it ask some common doubts. Some are;1) WHY DO YOU RUN SO LONG DISTANCE; only a long distance runner can feel the reason to run. Everybody has their own explaination. Personally I can’t meditate for 12 hrs continuously. So running, being so simple of putting one step in front of other and nothing else, gives me enough time to focus and do meditation equivalent. It may look like a physical sport but after some time, it’s all about perseverance, patience, ability to withstand pain for long duration and yet not quitting, focusing for long time by having a tunnel vision of the goal in hand, not getting intimidated by a huge task and doing it one step at a time etc.2) ARE YOU ALIEN; Of course not. Just because it’s tough and you have not done it, doesn’t means that it can’t be done.3) I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TIME ; I work almost 10 to 14 hrs per day,6 days per week with some or the other emergency coming at night. If I can make it, why not you? Even 30 minutes of running per day will accumulate over a period long enough to give you stamina to run longer distance.4) I AM TOO OLD FOR RUNNING; I covered 80km in just under 12 hrs and yes I was the last to finish. Other runners who were in between 50 to 70 yrs young, finished earlier than me.5) MY KNEES ARE BAD; a participant in Coorg walked all the 80 km and finished ahead of me.6) WE DON’T HAVE SAFE PLACE TO JOGG; running could be done in loops of as small as 1km by just repeating it again and again. I am sure 1km loops could be easily found.7) I NEVER RAN BEFORE; My wife never ran in her school and college days and so are my two staff but both after some months of training completed 50km. Of course you might have 100 genuine reasons not to walk\run, but it won’t take you far. Sooner some or the other life style diseases will catch up with you. So pull up your socks and get ready to run. On February 2018, tuffman will be conducting the first ultramarathon of islands( 30,50 and 80km). Lets start preparing for it. I am sure the preparation will make you healthier, race is just a excuse.
Dr S Chakraborty
As a doctor we have been parroting what has been taught in medical school all these years specially how much exercise a person must do. Now things have been turned on its head by a pioneering experiment done by Dr Timmons, a sports physiologist.
He basically selected two person say A and B with identical physical fitness measured objectively by plethora of tests specially Vo2 max which is the ability to extract maximum amount of oxygen from blood by our muscles per kg of body weight. For a average person like me with fair amount of fitness, its around 40, where as for athletes like Farah & Bolt, it is around 8o. A high Vo2 max is at present one of the top markers of a persons cardiovascular fitness, used both for short period sports like sprints and for endurance sports like marathon, mountaineering, cycling etc.
So Dr Timmons made both the person to do exercise for a period of 6 months but differently. Subject A was made to do conventional exercise that we routinely recommend like brisk walking for 45 minutes, 5 days a week whereas B was made to do intense exercise only for 5 minutes. He was made to run from one corner of a room( 20 foot long) to another at maximum pace. He did this for 30 seconds and took rest for 30 seconds and then repeated again. So of overall 5 minutes of exercise period , he actually did running only for 2.30 minutes. But the running was so intense that he felt as if his heart will come out of his throat.
After 6 months of training, the level of fitness was checked objectively. Subject A had marginal increase in Vo2 max from 42 to 46 where as subject B, whose initial vo2 max was 42, astonishingly went to 72. He also had significant improvements in other parameters like lactate tolerance, exercising blood pressure and the time needed by heart to bring its rate to near normal post exercise.
So when a 5 minutes of exercise specially in our time starved and excused life , can do more benefits than a leisure walk of 45 minutes, we indeed have got to have paradigm shift in the way we do exercise. In fact after this experiment, many national advisories of different countries are thinking about scrapping the concept of recommending 5 days of exercise for 30 to 45 minutes. This remarkable experiment has again opened up the debate of how much is enough. For sure its not more the merrier. It is also called as HIIT which stands for high intensity interval training. Well there is conditions apply for HIIT regimen and that is you must have average level of fitness before attempting it. You just can’t get out of couch and do HIIT straight away.
Have you ever wondered why a loss hurts your more and sticks around your head for a longer time than a equivalent or even higher gain? If it is so, then don’t be alarmed as that’s one of the many ways how our mind keeps on playing tricks with us. So instead of just dancing to its tune and doing or feeling emotions which we know is not needed/justified, how about making ourselves aware of its sinister designs?
In a controlled study, 5000 people were made to gamble on money. Initially they were made to win, then loose and finally win again. There blood levels of feel good hormones and stress hormones were measured at each step. Obviously at step 1, the feel good hormones were high, step 2 saw a surge in stress hormone cortisol. And in step3 when the subjects won again but the level of feel good hormones were found to be negligible and on the contrary, stress hormones were still present in them.
This study exemplifies the fact that negatives or bad outcome sticks on our mind more than a positive outcome. We move from gain to loss easily but bouncing back from loss to gain is difficult and time consuming. Somehow our sense of loss sticks for a longer time.
Somehow our mind loves misery and being in that state of feeling miserable and pitiful. Notwithstanding the best of our intentions, its hard to roll back a mind which has gone negative. It will search for more negatives and will try by all means to justify why it has all the reasons to feel down and out. Moreover it loves company. Remember the movie TITANIC. It was one of the greatest hits themed around how a big ship sunk along with more than 2000 passengers dead and only 700 or so survived. Such a disaster but we just loved the movie. We have its ringtone on our mobile to keep us constantly attached to the event. Now in contrast, a movie like SULLY where a pilot successfully landed a bird hit, twin engine failure plane over a river and all the 155 passengers survived. But how many of us have watched it or even knew about it? It was in news for less than a month where as TITANIC has anniversary rituals even a near 100years after the disaster and costly under sea tours at the place where it sunk. We somehow gravitate towards negative outcomes either in our or somebody else life and can’t stop recalling and reinforcing it again and again.
So what to do? Well we all have our own failures and unfavorable outcomes to deal with and we know how our minds are primed to behave. One bad news and in no time our mind develops a momentum of negative emotions by recalling it and sometimes imagining related things happened years ago. A small issue soon snowballs into a big problem. Solution lies in being aware of and anticipating the trick that our mind is going to play when confronted with a negative outcome. Vitarke badhane, pratipaksha bhavanam. It’s a Sanskrit shloka which suggests whenever negative thought comes and obstructs our way, cultivate and reinforce exactly opposite thought pattern. Just count your blessings and flush your mind with all the good things said and done by you. And don’t stop there. REPEAT IT.
Dr Sudip Chakraborty
MD( Medicine)
How often have you found yourself cursing for that fat around your tummy despite following all the dieting tips your friends shell out? Inspite of being regular in walking or some other exercise ,still that desired body weight remaining elusive? And another new year has come but the pending resolutions of previous years are far from being met. So if you belong to those warriors against fat and body weight who is sincere and punctual but still on the loosing side then, read on.
Usually we have two sources of fuel in our body; carbohydrates( I will refer it sugar) and fats. We are primed to use sugar from foods as our day to day energy source despite it giving only 36 ATP ( basic currency of our body) per gram where as fats give 441 ATP per gram. I wonder when we Indians are so much obsessed with mileage ( kitna deteh hai?) why we are not using fats for energy? Yes we can change our metabolism from sugar dependent to fat burning. Of course its not a overnight process but if we understand some facts and bunk some myths, we can do it.
1) Sugar promotes fat : sugar consumption promotes the release of INSULIN, a hormone which increases the utilization of sugar and in that process keeps body fat just like that. Either you are burning sugar or fat for energy but both cannot take place side by side. Your body fat can’t be utilized till there is insulin in your blood. Even half a glass of juice, cola or wine can disrupt your well intentioned fat burning strategy. A small toffee with just 80 calorie can trigger enough insulin in a non diabetic person for nearly 72 hrs, to stop any fat burning for energy.
2) Belly fat is not diet related; it is promoted by cortisol, the principle stress hormone. That explains how stubborn it is. Basically it is deposited as an insurance against starvation by cortisol. So getting rid of stress, good sleep along with core strengthening exercises are needed to remove it.
3) Eating less doesn’t reduce body weight; you might get a initial result of 4-5 kg of weight loss, but you soon hit a set point. Soon your intelligent body reduces your metabolic rate, due to which eating less is not sufficient to produce a calorie deficit state which can call for fat burning. Further weight loss may be due to water loss but not fat loss leading to dehydration.
4) Eating fat increases fat loss; if we eat predominant (60-70%) fat containing diet, it reduces the release of insulin and gradually your body could be coaxed to burn fat for energy. Of course the debate of good and bad fat is still on, right now all the data suggests other than trans fat( greasy fat, hydrogenated oils), remaining are good like virgin coconut oil,olive,peanut, mustard,soyabean oil. Every day liver produces 2000mg of fat/cholesterol equivalent to eating 45 eggs per day, just for the day to day function of our brain, cell wall maintainance,hormone production etc. So if we eat fat, liver will produce less. Eating alone is not sufficient. You have to exercise to the extent that energy provided by the dietary fat is inadequate, so stored fat is called upon to do the job.
5) Increase fat burning hormonal activity; these are glucagon, IGF-1 and Growth hormone. So doing EXHAUSTIVE exercise and not just feel good slow walk, high intensity exercise in bursts like running, jumping,cycling for shorter intervals . Good rest post exercise along with a healthy liver( no alcohol please) helps release above hormones as well. So recovery is a must and not foolish daily work outs.
6) Reduce fat storing hormonal activity. These are insulin, cortisol and oestrodiol. By reducing sugar including the obvious and the masked ones in artificial flavours, insulin release is reduced. Any physical and mental stress will release cortisol, even excessive exercise without adequate recovery period , will undo your goal. Similarly hormonal supplements like pills will augment fat deposit.
So what is placebo? It basically means ‘ I shall please’. But it is much more than that. Any doctor worth his salt will tell you the enormous role it plays in getting a patient satisfied after giving whatever treatment .
How it started?
When a American surgeon Henry Beecher was serving in world war2, he ran out of morphine, a terrific pain killer among other things. So much was the rush of wounded soldiers needing surgery and with no morphine to give before operation, he panicked. He started filling empty bottles of morphine with normal saline. With a flair and telling the patients ‘ here I am giving you morphine and your pain will go away in no time’, he went on to perform surgery without a single ouch from patients. He subsequently performed many surgeries that day using only saline but to the soldiers it was the potent morphine. When morphine finally arrived, he did his surgeries on alternate soldiers with morphine and with plain saline. Results of both the group were identical and the soldiers on saline surgery were in no more pain than the morphine group. He subsequently published his findings in Journal of American Medical association, which turned out to be huge leap forward for us to know the role of mind, positive acceptance, faith, suggestibility and so on.
Of course these days no drug is considered effective if it can’t surpass placebo. Typically placebo which could be anything like a peppermint or chalk, which when given under appropriate circumstances and in a manner, can have a effect on a person which can’t be explained by that substance alone. So for placebo to be effective many factors are to be present. I would like to suggest some;
1) Seed and soil concept; A good seed not only needs a appropriate prepared soil but also a right environment. If seed is the medicine, then the soil has to be the mind prepared to the extent that he is convinced without any doubt that this is going to cure me. All this is to be done in a environment where the patient is neither hurried nor short of attention with any distractions.
2) Mass effect: Ever wondered about thousands of people lined up for that gulp of fish to cure asthama? And that fish prepared by select section of people since generations. Of course no scientific reason been found for cure other than thought of thousands of minds with an acceptant attitude strongly believing that they will be cured.
3) Suggestibility: Wondered why a very difficult to reach doctor when treats you, you get cured when hundreds of other equally qualified doctors in your town failed? The whole process of waiting and thus allowing the mind to dwell on the doctor for months, hearing his success stories, prepared the eager mind and bingo a multi vitamin along with the dharshan of the doctor and nice little tap on the hand , just cured you.
4) Engage the mind: Have u ever felt good while telling your problems to your doctor and he meanwhile keeps on answering his phone or somebody barging in and out of the room constantly? So you end up either repeating your symptoms or start thinking about what’s in for lunch? Placebo effect comes only when the mind is engaged and the doctor gives the undivided attention to the patient.
5) Body language: Body languages like showing you complete attention as if he has nothing else to do, listening up without interrupting or judging, non combative and non suspicious stance, eyes wide open without yawning, showing genuine interest in the problem presented, understanding the non verbal cues like the way eyes moves around, frequent eye contact, prosody of the voice etc all goes a long way in establishing a rapport for the placebo to set in.
Of course there is many more things about placebo but due to time constraint I tried an attempt to present some commoner and readily identifiable scenarios.
With increasing awareness about health, people are following various forms of exercise depending upon the prevailing fad. Pilates, zumba, functional exercise etc are all clamouring to get our attention. Of course each type of exercise has its benefits but the problem lies in our expectation. No single exercise can claim to provide the golden triad of strength, flexibility and endurance alone. And there in lies the problem. Recently I came across a patient who developed a heart attack. He was shocked because his years of practicing yoga led him to preume that he was having perfect health. And another patient who was very disciplined to do regular 5km brisk walking, was aghast to find out a trifle thing like missing a step in stairs, led to fracture in his foot.
These examples just highlights that just one discipline of exercise is not enough. So what’s the solution?
1) STRENGTH; We loose more than 1% of muscle mass every year once we age beyond 30. Without muscle strength, imbalance and fall greatly increases. Moreover once we do strength training exercise by lifting weights, the benefits of increasing metabolism like body weight in check, great blood sugar control etc stays beyond 24 hrs of exercise. Ofcourse I am not suggesting to beef up, low weights or free hand exercises like push ups, pull ups, planks, squats and lunges are really helpful in preventing or slowing the muscle mass loss. Muscles just follow the rule; use it or loose it.
2) FLEXIBLITY ; Without good flexibility, injuries are bound to happen. That explains why all those WWE fighters has lower life expectancy. Of the numerous benefits of yoga, one for sure is great flexibility of nearly all possible joints in our body, not to forget the mental well being that it imparts. A flexible and nimble body is easy on the joints and one can have a functional and utilitarian body. So notwithstanding your increasing age, you can easily carry out the activities of daily living and not depend on some one else.
3) ENDURANCE; Cardio respiratory fitness in the form of brisk walking, running, cycling or swimming, imparts benefits that no other exercise can claim. Not only it keeps your blood pressure and host of other biochemical parameters under check, but also releases lots of feel good hormones called endorphins that keeps depression at bay. The value of a good horse could be judged only when it runs. Similarly no claim for heathy heart is passed till one does any exercise which raises the heart rate to the target of 220 – age, and the person still comfortable. For ex, if your age is 50, target heart rate will be 170.
Health is the only thing that you can call truly yours and everything else is just temporary just like your 1000 rupee note. We all know and some dedicated ones do some exercise but many times it doesn’t give us the desired result. Remember to include above three things in your exercise regime to enjoy great health and see what our beautiful life can offer.
Smart Way of Setting Goals
Dr. Sudip Chakraborty
Goals not written is only a wish
Somebody once said happiness is progressive realisation of worthy goals. Infact the reason to see the sunrise next day is only to ensure that the goals that we have set, needs to completed. Infact one of the main reasons for unexplained rise in diseases and death among recently retired persons especially in the first 10 years of post retirement life is, lack of worthy goals to achieve.
So having a worthwile goal is important to have a balanced life. GOALS have to be ingrained in life in such a way that it doesn’t look like just a wishful thinking or day dream. Achieving goals depends on our subconscious mind. We need to harness the enourmous potential of our subconscious mind and use it to our advantage. So we must know its way of working.
Subconscious mind can’t differentiate between fact and imagination. It just obeys whatever we consistantly put into it and makes it a reality. All we need is to have firm belief that whatever we are asking will come true. Unshakable belief is the only limiting factor which is the reason why so many people don’t get the desired results despite having a good intention but weak faith on his own ability. Here are some SMART ways to enhance the chances to make it really happen in your life;
1] SPECIFIC; It has to be specific not vague like instead of I want to be do well in exams, keep it very specific like securing 98% marks or securing first position. Our mind needs specific & precise commands to work on.
2] MEASURABLE; You should be able to peridically measure your goal to assess its status. Like instead of just wanting to be rich, give a number to it and seek it.
3]ACCOUNTABLE; Say your goal to everbody and anybody who is willing to hear your story specially those who are envious of you, so that you are allways under pressure to perform or else those persons are ready to make fun of you.
4] REPEATABLE; Repeat your goals daily so that it sinks deep into your subconscious mind and it becomes a habit to you. Repeat it especially when your chances of bypassing our logical brain is more and that is before sleeping. So allways write down your goals. Less than 3% of population does it and so is the percentage of successful people.
5]TIME; It has to be time bound or else the seriousness of our pursuit wanes off and we gets off the track and something else gets our attention. Talk and behave as if your goal has already been achieved. Don’t see it as a furure event, but instead incorporate it in your present moment. Use as much special senses to make it real like its feel,smell and sound when you think or talk about your goal.
Goal setting is easy but doing it methodically and pursuing it doggedly holds the key. There will be naysaysers to discourage you and give you all the logical explaination why it can’t be done. But allways remember, disrupting ideas looked illogical initially. This SMART method of goal setting has been my method since 10 years or so and it allways gave me result. The most crucial link is the unquestionable BELIEF that it will happen never mind the circumstances. Don’t ask yourself of how it will happen because your job is to ask and for sure you will be given. Right now I have this audacious goal of having the most advanced MRI of islands in my hospital before 15 august this year. The cost of machine is huge for me and getting it financed from bank in post Mallya era where every loan seeker is seen as a potential defaulter unless proven otherwise, looks not that good but that is none of my concern. I can already sense and hear the whirring sound of the machine . Its just a matter of time before it comes physically.
So be a dreamer with open eyes and set audacious goals for yourself instead of just scrapping the surface and contending yourself with the left over.
Tata steel Run, Kolkata; An experience
Dr Sudip Chakraborty
I just came from last Sunday’s 25km run in Kolkata, it was an amazing experience. I never thought Kolkata can organize a massive run with such organizing ability. It was managed wonderfully.
Race started in a very chilly morning and the warm ups started by Yuvraj Singh & Neha Dhupia, only added to the building excitement.
Squeezing my way through more than 12000 runners, I started to find my pace. The route covered major spots like Victoria, Sethu Bridge, Eden gardens, Maidan, Assembly, Golf course etc. So city sight seeing without any traffic on race route made the day special.
Kolkattans were sporty enough to line up throughout the course and kept on cheering. Every 2km, there were bottled water, Energy drinks, orange and salt, which made sure cramps were kept at bay. It was thoughtful enough by the organisers to keep mobile toilets in the route.
I was cruising at 10kmph speed just behind a pacer who targeted a finish in 2.30 hrs. I was soaking the atmosphere and then suddenly twisted my ankle in a manhole. Stood up and continued my run without bothering much. After 15km, it stared biting me and it appeared my shoes will burst up due to progressively increasing swelling in left ankle.
Help was there. Volunteers with painkiller spray tried their best to spray on the injured part. But as time went on, every step was jarring and it was difficult to say which part was aching more. After 21 km, I was crawling. And to hurt my ego even senior citzens well past 65 years started going ahead of me. Now that was rubbing salt to the wound. Now even standing for a water break was giving me dizziness and I thought I would collapse. So I kept on nonstop with even a shove or nudge by somebody would have toppled me.
Medical team that lined up the whole course with ambulances insisted to quit. I knew quitting will be more painful and I haven’t come 1200km from Port Blair to quit.
I kept on refusing their persistent request to quit though one part of me was shouting to stop the torture. My 21km took 2.30 hrs but the remaining 4 km took 45 min. I dragged on and on finally completed 25 km at 3.14 hrs.
Immediately I was taken to recovery area where a team of physiotherapist gave me good stretching. And then came the finisher medal.
It was truly earned. And that’s the best part of running long distances. The road will test everybody equally irrespective of your status, colour, education or nationality. It will strip you to the bone and make you realize what you are made of. Are you made of pulp inside or a nut that doesn’t cracks easily notwithstanding the pressure applied?
Almost everybody has an abstract idea about mind but ‘a know it all’ by any person is just not happening. More research has gone into it since last century than any given period but still we are groping in the dark. And to define MIND will be like trying to capture the whole ocean in a match box.
So if mind is not in the brain, where is it? Try asking a fish what is water? Just like it is always surrounded by it and it is in it, similarly we are in the mind always. So to pick it up and define it will be childish.
Of course I don’t claim to know all about mind but surely the curiosity to know about it, lead me to read as many books as possible since 20 years and guided by my interactions with thousands of patients with different ailments, helped me to make some educated guess about mind and its workings. As a doctor we are so much obsessed with the hardware (brain) that we are not taught anything about software (mind).
Any question regarding mind during post graduation days in medicine is dismissed as spiritual\paranormal and sometimes psychotic. We know much about diseased human and what we CAN’T do, that we never bothered to know how much we CAN do. Infact much of our human knowledge has come from studying the diseased individual. Isn’t it a upside down way to learn? Nearly every day we hear stories of people doing feat which was considered impossible like a handicapped girl climbing mount Everest, a person without food and water surviving more than seven years, a patient coming out of coma after 25 years, telepathy and so on.
All I intend to do is help each other realize the limitless capacity each of us harbor and use it for our own good, if only we know more about mind.
Its like instead of driving our Ferrari with hand brakes on and never crossing the speed limit, lets drive it full throttle on, in a all clear highway of life and see what happens. Below is some concepts about mind;
1) Brain breathes mind the way lungs breathes air. In a series of 500 CT scan of brain of people with hydrocephalous where fluid encroaches much of brain tissue thus reducing its size, a researcher failed to find corresponding limitation in the functional capacity of the patients. In fact one patient was found to be post graduate in mathematics from Harvard university. That lead him to write a book ‘ DO WE REALLY NEED BRAIN’.
2) If you really want to remember a thing, try hard to forget it; We might have ended with remembering everything that has happened in our life because memories are in the mind, always present around us, to be retrieved at will, just floating. It is because of our brain which filters everything and gives us a measly trickle. It turn events into memories and stores it very erratically and in a unpredictable way, subjected to multiple factors like stress, mood, hormones, distractions, in attention etc. So if you block the conscious brain out, you don’t need to memorise because nothing is forgotten.
3) Mind is non local; It is one mind which is every were. Time, distance and may I add DEATH, has got no meaning here. Bill gates and the mind you are surrounded right now is one and the same. It’s the conscious brain of yours which separates his creativity coming from the mind, from reaching you.
4) Suppress your brain to access the mind; All the inventions are actually discoveries which happened when for some period we silenced our analytical, judgemental and conditioned brain. At that period, we accessed the mind and its limitless gifts.
5) Words and thoughts are basics of Mind; Autosuggestion or what we repeatedly say, think or concentrate on, shapes our brain accordingly to receive corresponding signals from mind. Probably that explains the enormous stress on positive thinking and positive auto suggestion. The great boxer Mohammed Ali was repeatedly coached to say I am the best and strongest.
6) Mind brings in our life what we visualize; Visualization is great way to create future the way. By visualizing it consistently with a rock solid belief without any iota of doubt. Virat kohli, Ussain Bolt, Tiger Woods has been heard saying and doing this regularly among many other athletes.
There are many other things about mind that I would like to share but some concepts blurs the line between science and spirituality. As a man of science I reject nothing and let the mind decide for me what is correct. The point is to be receptive enough. As they say’ teacher appears when the student is ready’.
CMSH awaiting empanelment under ANISHI scheme
Sarthak Kanjilal Port Blair, May 13: In its bid to extend health services to the needy, the Chakraborty Multi-Specialty Hospital (CMSH) has applied for empanelment of the institution under the ANISHI scheme. According to reports, the CMSH management has already submitted the MoU and necessary earnest money deposit to the Health Department and is anticipating empanelment of the hospital under the health insurance scheme soon. Speaking to Andaman Sheekha, Dr Sudeep Chakraborty of CMSH confirmed the development. “I would like to express gratitude to the Member of Parliament and the administration for the launch of the ANISHI scheme for the needy sections of the society. During the launch, the MP has asked us to participate in the scheme and accordingly we received a letter from the Directorate of Health Services. All formalities from our end have been completed and the file is currently with the authorities at Secretariat. Once empanelled, CMSH would provide cashless treatment to the poor who are eligible for assistance under the ANISHI scheme. As part of its commitment to provide efficient health care services to the islanders, CMSH will strive to live upto the expectations of the people. We’re just awaiting the green signal from the administration, he added.