Port Blair, Jan 02: Training programme on “Livelihood Options in Agriculture & Allied fields in degraded coastal Lands” was conducted from 29th to 31st December, 2011 under the NAIP project at Out Reach Centre (ORC) of CARI supported by NABARD, Port Blair.
Dr. A.K. Singh, DDG, NRM, ICAR, New Delhi, Dr. N.P. Singh, Director, ICAR Research Complex, Goa and Dr. S.K. Ambast, Director, CARI, visited Dashrathpur village at Rangat and Deshbandhu Gram at Diglipur to witness different interventions like Broad Bed & Furrow System, Rice cum fish farming and Three tier system done under the land shaping programmes. They also visited other farmer’s field who had undertaken seed production of HYV of rice, demonstration of pulses, sweet potato and chilli jointly conducted by division of Field Crops, Horticulture & Forestry and ORC which was appreciated . The team interacted with the trainees and spoke on the different technological options that can be implemented for the betterment of the stakeholders. They assured for all support from the team of scientist of CARI in providing technological knowhow and do how.
Mr. Raghavan, Manager, NABARD spoke about the livelihood schemes and financial supports to start the enterprise for livelihood. He also interacted with the farmers to get the feedback on the benefits of the training and technological demonstration conducted by the ORC. Dr. Ajmer Singh, Head Incharge, Social Science Section, Dr. A. Velumurugan, Senior Scientist of NRM Division and Dr. S.K. Zamir Ahmed, Senior Scientist and Coordinator, ORC delivered information on making of bankable projects, management of soil and water with suitable crops and livelihood options for degraded land in participatory mode respectively.
A total of sixty five farmers representing Deshbandhu Gram, Khudirampur, R.K. Gram, V.S. Pally, Madhupur, Laxmipur , Ganesh Nagar and Sita Nagar cluster of villages attended the programme.