Port Blair, Dec 10: Under Reproductive Child Health (RCH- II) Programme, Directorate of Health Services in association with the UT Health Mission of A & N Islands has organized “VILLAGE HEALTH NUTRITION DAY camp” on 8th December2012 at Valluvar Nagar, Community hall, Bambooflat, S.Andaman. Altogether 140 participants attended the Programme and availed the services provided in the camp on Antenatal Care, Immunization, Nutritional Supplements and needy patients referred to concerned specialist at G.B.Pant Hospital for further management. The Health team consisted Dr. P.Lal Medical Officer, G.B.Pant Hospital, Port Blair, Health Educators , CHO and other Para medical staffs conducted the camp. Hemoglobin estimation test was done on the spot for children and antenatal mothers. Iron folic acid syrup and other micronutrients distributed in the camp free of cost to the anemic Patients and antenatal mothers.
Dr. P. Lal, Medical Officer , GB Pant Hospital Port Blair spokes in detail about mother & child health care, Immunization, nutrition for mothers during pregnancy, routine checkup of mothers during pregnancy. He also given information about various Govt. schemes like Janani Suraksha Yojana , Planned Family Scheme, Janani Sishu Suraksha Karikaram and Various incentives given under family welfare Programme for mothers and girl child of BPL and Non BPL categories. Further he informed the objectives of the programme and highlighted the services provided to the general public in the remotest villages at door step by the Health Department.
The Health Officials informed the gathering about what are the services will provide in this camp and who are the beneficiaries, and informed the objectives of the programme. Given health talk on the nutritional requirement in our daily diet to remain healthy and free from diseases , Personal Hygiene, Environmental Sanitation and Planned family Scheme .
123 patients including pregnant women, children, adolescent girls, senior citizen and others were examined and treated by the Doctor on the spot and provided with required medicines and supplementary Nutrient Package Free of cost in the camp. The participants were distributed handbills on nutrition and health care in the camp.