Baratang Island, January 3: In a tragic incident, a youth from Sundergarh One village, Baratang Island, lost his life while fishing in the Baratang Creek this evening. As per reports, the incident occurred at approximately 6:30 PM when the youth, Mr. Vishnu, fishing in a dinghy with another individual, attempted to illuminate the water using a torchlight.
As per initial reports, a long beak fish leapt out of the water with great force and struck the 26 years old youth on the neck. The fish’s long, sharp beak pierced his neck, leaving a massive wound and causing him to die instantly in the dinghy.
The other individual in the boat managed to bring the youth’s body to the Baratang Jetty by night. From there, the body was shifted to the Primary Health Center (PHC) in Baratang, where he was declared brought dead. A post-mortem examination is scheduled to be conducted tomorrow.
Expressing grief over the untimely death, Mr. R. Alager Swami, Zilla Parishad Member of Baratang Island, conveyed his condolences to the bereaved family. He also urged the local administration to provide suitable compensation to the family of the deceased to support them in this difficult time.