Port Blair, June 16: The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarathi Parishad under its COVID-19 Relief Programs organized a medicine distribution drive under the guidance of Dr. Kandimuthu Vibhag Pramukh, ABVP ANI.
The team was leaded by State Secretary R.Rajsekar accompanied by Organising Secretary Ramesh Paramanik, City-Secretary U.ParthaSarathi and State Joint Secretaries Atul Chander Das & Seema Kumari.
Homeopathic medicine named ARSENIC 30 immunity booster (recommended by Ministry of Ayush) was distributed to the residents of Brookshabad as ABVP ANI adopted this village.
The team distributed the immune booster medicine to atleast 250 people in the village and also apprised public to follow COVID-19 etiquettes and stay safe, healthy and positive during this pandemic situation.
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