Port Blair, Jan 15: Expressing deep anguish over the shocking video of semi-naked Jarawa girls, the Lt. Governor of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lt. General Bhopinder Singh has directed the Director General of A & N Police to complete the investigation on a fast track to nab the culprits.
Terming the act of Jarawa Videography as deplorable and disgraceful act against humanity the Lt. Governor ordered fast track investigation “so that they can be meted out exemplary punishment.”
In an official released last night the Lt Governor clarified that in recent years, the Administration has taken various measures for the protection and welfare of Jarawa tribes and other indigenous tribes.
“For the first time in 150 years of settlement, the actual number of Jarawa population has gone up by 40 percent in the last ten years. The Administration has carefully addressed over 1500 medical requirements of the Jarawas as and when sought by the Jarawas themselves with exclusive wards dedicated to them to ensure sensitivity of handling their cases in the clinics and hospitals,” the Lt. Governor added.
He stressed that over the past many years, the Jarawas and the non-tribal population have been living in a very peaceful and harmonious manner in their respective areas of these far-flung Islands.
“However, an incident of this nature by some mischievous elements will not only create a misunderstanding and rift amongst the tribals and the non-tribal population but will also shame our islanders in particular and our country in general. Therefore there is a need to weed out these bad elements from our Islands which enjoy the reputation of being a very peaceful, secular and a unique model of unity in diversity to the entire world,” the LG mentioned in an official release of A & N Administration.
The Lt Governor has directed the Director General of Police to launch a crack down on all such dubious tour operators and their accomplices to ensure the utmost protection, dignity and welfare of indigenous and primitive tribes of A & N Islands.
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