Port Blair, May 24: The Ministry of Urban Development Govt of India has declared Port Blair city selected amongst the list of the 23 cities under Fast Track Smart City Challenge. Hon’ble Lt. Governor had congratulated the citizens of the city on being successful. He has further congratulated the Mission Directorate, A&N Administration, PBMC and other line departments in giving shape to the Smart City Proposal of the Port Blair City. Lt. Governor has also expressed his gratitude to the Hon’ble Prime Minister and Hon’ble Union Minister of Urban development for their vision, leadership and guidance.
Port Blair city had participated in Smart City challenge under fast track city in which 23 cities had taken part from all over the country. Accordingly, the Smart City Proposal of the city was revised to be inline with the demands and desires of the citizens. Need assessment survey of the citizens through Micro Planning Framework was conducted by PBMC to assess the genuine aspirations of the public. The projects were framed under smart city proposal ensuring that the issues raised by the people are addressed in a “SMART” way. Further the detailed proposal with respective project scope, finances and execution strategy was worked out in consultation with various departments of the administration. The finalised proposal was submitted to the Ministry on 21st May 2016. After rigorous evaluation the proposal was announced successful.
Ministry will be extending financial support to Port Blair city for execution of various projects proposed under the smart city. This will be further matched with the funds from some centrally sponsored schemes and PBMC revenues.
Roby George says
Truly overwhelmed and pride to read this news coverage . Kudos to all departments in putting up your best foot forward with all your concocted efforts to represent a collective case study in bringing up this Mini India . Its truly a great news to follow for fellow islanders as our city has been selected in the smart city sphere competing several mammoth states . Truly deserves a pat on each citizens back to make each other proud of this achievement . Once again proved “United we Stand , Divided we Fall ”
As said …A great Visionary has a Great Achievement indeed ……Truly a Great achievement for an able Administrator and his Administration and a life time remembrance and memoirs for all fellow Islanders . .
Wishing all Emerald Citizens ….A Very Happy Stay and Blessed life at A & N Islands .
Roby George from Dubai – UAE