Sri Vijaya Puram, Mar 16: The Department of Fisheries, A&N Administration in association with NIOT -ACOSTI-, under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India organized a one-day Training-cum-Orientation Programme on Seaweed Cultivation at NIOT Campus, Dollygunj yesterday. The primary objective of the training programme was to motivate and develop livelihood options for the coastal community, particularly targeting members of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) through seaweed cultivation.
A total of 24 SHG women identified by the Rural Development Department attended the programme. The programme was graced by Ms. Jagtap Kalyani Rajendra, Director of Fisheries, Dr. K. Gopal, Joint Director (Fisheries), Dr. Anbu Rajan, Scientist (E), NIOT-ACOSTI and Ms. Gurjeet Kaur, Block Development Officer, Prothrapur.
The Director of Fisheries welcomed the gathering and appreciated the enthusiastic participation of SHG members in the training. She emphasized the economic importance of seaweed cultivation and its potential as a livelihood opportunity for the coastal communities.
Dr. Anbu Rajan Lawrence, Scientist (E) at NIOT, expressed that such training programmes would be conducted periodically to promote seaweed cultivation across the Islands. He also introduced the technical team of NIOT to the participants and assured technical assistance in Seaweed cultivation.
Ms. Gurjeet Kaur thanked the Department of Fisheries and NIOT- ACOSTI for organizing such a training programme and extended support of the RD Department for taking up commercial seaweed farming through SHG Members.
Dr. K. Gopal, Joint Director of Fisheries, provided insights into the various applications of seaweed in day to day life, such as in textiles, chocolates, confectionery, and fertilizers. He motivated the participants to take up seaweed production as a livelihood option which could eventually attract a market in Mainland India once marketable quantity is produced.
The programme included both technical and practical sessions, covering the basic concepts and cultivation techniques of seaweed, with a special focus on Gracilaria edulis led by NIOT scientists. The participants were also taken to the inhouse NIOT laboratory for a demonstration on post-harvest and processed products development techniques of seaweeds. Additionally, participants were taken on a field visit to Chidiyatapu for a demonstration on seaweed raft fabrication by tube-net method and seed inoculation by the NIOT team.
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