Staff Correspondent
Port Blair, Dec 12: Here is a warning for serious Patients going to G B Pant Hospital at evening hour. Before entering the Atlanta Point Area the patient must call Traffic Police Department and the Medical Superintendent to know, which approach road to the hospital is open for them?
At evening hours the Cellular Jail road, remain jam packed with tourists vehicle and it takes more than 10 to 15 minutes to cross the Cellular Jail even for the vehicles, which carry serious patients while the foreshore road gate of G B Pant Hospital remain close for any kind of patients. According to super arrogant security guards “As per Medical Superintendent’s Order, this gate is open only for Doctors.”
Few weeks back when Andaman Sheekha Reporter highlighted this problem infront of Dy.S.P Traffic Mr. N Rasheed he said that Traffic Jawans are posted at the Cellular Jail Junction to deal with this issue but Andaman Sheekha can prove that just one day before the interview a 60 percent burnt patient had to wait for more than 10 minutes at the Cellular Jail Junction as the road was blocked by tourist vehicle. Sadly it took 10 precious minutes for police jawans to react. The patient is however died a few days back.
Suggestion of Mr. Rasheed for serious patient was simple, “Patient can use the foreshore road to enter inside the hospital.”
But when Andaman Sheekha Editor himself tried to enter inside the hospital with a patient this afternoon from foreshore road, the security guards did not allow the vehicle to enter Inside the hospital campus, saying that he has strict directions that only Doctors should be allowed from the Gate.
Now the Secretary of Health Service must tell general public that which road should be used by serious patients to enter inside the hospital? Can hospital management close one out of two gates for serious patients? Why one gate is kept open only for Doctors? Why this VVIP Treatment for Doctors? Is it a dictatorship? Why patients are not given first priority in the Hospital and why they are treated like cattle by unprofessional security guards? Will the Secretary of Health Department bother to reply without taking side of his department?
When Andaman Sheekha Editor called up the Medical Superintendent of G B Pant Hospital, Dr Kusum, her statement was contradictory to the statement of Dy. S.P (Traffic). “The Patient should come from the OPD gate and not from foreshore road gate,” was her reply. “Come to my chamber and talk,” she added.
However, within 5 minutes when Andaman Sheekha reporter reached her office, it was found that she was not in her chamber. “Madam was not feeling well so she left for today,” was the reply of a lady staff. This shows how committed and how serious the hospital management is towards welfare of patient.
One wonders whether infrastructure in a Hospital should be utilized for the convenience of patients or for the comfort of Doctors.
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