Port Blair, June 09: The vaccine slot booking for South Andaman region will open tomorrow at 8.00 AM instead of 9.30 AM. As per Health Services sources booking for slots of vaccination is opened only twice a week i.e. on Monday and Wednesday at 9.30 AM for next three days but today it could not be done because, there was no vaccine.
“Today however, 7620 doses of vaccines reached Port Blair after 9.30 AM and by the time the vaccines were counted and arranged it was 11.30 AM and hence today in Cowin website there was no option for online vaccine slot booking. Tomorrow from 8.00 AM Islanders can book vaccine slots through Cowin website for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. From next Monday and Thursday the slot booking will open at 9.30 AM, on usual time, subjected to availability of vaccines,” sources in Health Department said.
As per insiders, out of 7620 doses of vaccines received today 1500 doses will be sent to North and Middle Andaman and another 1000 doses will be sent to Nicobar District soon.
According to reports in the first installment Andaman and Nicobar Islands had received nearly 9070 vaccines for 18+ population and then orders for more 10,000 vaccines were placed but out of 10,000 only 7620 doses arrived today and while another 2380 doses are pending.
Other than this, another 6,300 doses of vaccines are also scheduled to arrive in coming days for 18+ population.
Of late people of Andaman and Nicobar Islands have been complaining that they are unable to book slots for vaccines online as the time of slot opening was not constant.
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