Car Nicobar, Sept 05: A sensitization program on farmer centric integrated farming system for livelihood security was conducted at Community Hall, Kinmai village, Car Nicobar on 2.9.2012. Forty farmers from Kinmai and Kimious villages were selected after field visit and interaction with village captains and farmers for conducting on farm participatory research and technology transfer for the benefit of the farmers from Car Nicobar.
The programme is sponsored under Tribal Sub Plan of All India Coordinated Research Project on Integrated Farming System. Later in a brief inaugural programme organized in collaboration with KVK, Car Nicobar the village headman Mr. Kindness necessitated the need for integrated farming system in tribal villages for efficient resource recycling and nutritional security. Addressing the gathering, Dr.T.P.Swarnam, Principal Investigator of AICRP-IFS project highlighted the importance of integration of various need based farm enterprises like piggery, goatary, poultry along with coconut plantations for increased productivity and sustainable livelihood security of the farmers in Nicobar Islands.
As a part of the project, a week long training on “Integrated Farming System for livelihood security” will be organised starting from 17th September 2012 at CARI, Port Blair. During the programme farmers will be benefited from the experience of faculty drawn from different disciplines and interaction with some selective progressive farmers apart from planned field visits.
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