Port Blair, Aug 13: The Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Nicobar in collaboration with Deptt. of Fisheries, A & N Admn. has organized a three day training programme on “Modern Fish Catching Methods” at Community Hall of Small Lapathy Village in Car Nicobar from 7th to 9th August, 2012. Mr. Marcus, 2nd Headman, Small Lapathy village was the Chief Guest and inaugurated the training programme. He expressed heartfelt thankfulness to the KVK-Nicobar for organizing training on Modern Fish Catching Methods and advised the trainees to get maximum benefit from the training programme. Mr. Abdul Aziz, Deputy Project Director, ATMA-Nicobar was the Guest of Honour and spoke on the role of ATMA in development of Fisheries and its importance. Mr. Aziz appreciated the efforts in selecting the right kind of training programme for exploiting the underutilized marine resources through adoption of new technologies in capturing the fishes. On the occasion, Mr. Zakariah 4th Headman, Small Lapathy village, Mr. Francis Albert and Mr.Rajesh from Fisheries Department were also present.
Mr. Francis Albert, In-charge, Zonal Fisheries Office, informed about the Incentives & Welfare Scheme of the Fisheries department in developing island fisheries and stressed the significance of the fishing boat registration and fishing license in the coastal security. The essential fishing requisite at 50% subsidy rate for worth of Rs. 706/- was also distributed to 10 needy trainees. During the three days training, the trainees were taught about different kinds of fishing nets both active & passive, fabrication & repairing of different fishing nets, care & maintenance of fishing boat & nets and importance of fish in human health etc.
Earlier Mr. T.Ravikumar SMS (Fisheries), welcomed the dignitaries, trainees and stressed on the importance of Modern Fish Catching Methods in exploiting the unutilized marine resources for livelihood improvement, income and employment generation.
A total of 30 tribal fishers including 8 fisherwomen were participated in the said training programme. The training was conducted under the overall guidance of Dr. Nagesh Ram, programme Coordinator I/c, KVK-Car Nicobar. Earlier Mr. T Ravikumar SMS (Fisheries) welcomed the dignitaries and at the vote of thanks by Dr. Zachariah George, SMS (Animal Science).
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