Autosuggestions has been used by people of diverse fields to harness the enormous untapped potentials of our brain and make reality the way we would like to have them. Our subconscious brain does not distinguish facts from fiction\difficult tasks and accepts whatever it is been told. Just like a obedient servant it goes on to make that command\suggestion to really happen in life. This practice has been followed since ages. Infact the mothers of great Spartan warriors when pregnant, used to continuously dream\self talk about what a great warrior boy she is to deliver through out pregnancy, aided by near continuous discussion about greatness of the unborn child. No wonder Spain has seen so many exemplary warriors in past.
So how it happens?
Of course there are rules for auto suggestions which is tried and tested. Basically it works under the premise that our subconscious mind is behind our every actions. It has enourmous capacity and the most intelligent person might be using less than 30% of his actual potential. Any idea\thought has to pass through our rational conscious mind which filters it & depending upon one persons intelligence\past experience\ personality, that idea will reach our subconscious mind in a very distorted way and it might reject it as well, we somehow bypass the rational brain.
Rules of effective autosuggestion;
It works under the basic fact of that IMAGINATION IS MORE POWERFUL THAN WILL POWER.
AUTO SUGGESTIONS is anything that you say to yourself regularly, that ultimately leads to action and corresponding outcome. For ex. If u constantly say in your mind my interview \exam is going to be a mess or remain obsessed with excess body weight rather than visualizing yourself as a lean person, our obedient subconscious mind just ensures that your predominant thought turns into results.
How autosuggestion works?
1) It has to be clear and precise. For ex; if u say I am anti WAR instead of pro peace, it will take WAR as the main thing and make sure it happens. So it accepts only EMPHAZISED part of your sentence.
2) It has to be effortless; just observe a person who is having difficulty sleeping and more he tries and says to himself I must sleep by now, more the sleep runs away from him. So will power doesn’t brings result here. If he just imagines that he is falling asleep, limbs getting heavy, eye lids heavier without effort, sleep will come.
3) It has to be consistent ; just few scattered days of repeating a good prayer with a eye on the girl next door, doesn’t not help the person to get the virtues of prayer.
4) It has to be said with conviction and self belief; you must be thoroughly convinced about the suggested matter without an iota of doubt.
5) It has to be said when brain is most receptive like before going to bed & after waking up.
6) If u can visualize your idea along with some special senses thrown in, it will be far more effective. For ex I always knew I am going to start the first heart care centre islands right from my schooling days though our finances said otherwise as it is very capital and skill intensive. Day in & day out I could see the heart care centre in front of my eyes , could smell the coffee brewing the centre, which I thought cardiologist drinks after every case. Of course it happened and yes coffee is always there.
7) Never underestimate yourself just because the thing that you want seems BIG to you at the moment. Just dream about it even in waking ours with unflinching faith and belief. Don’t allow your rational brain to give reasons to say why it can’t happen.
8) Train your imagination and not will power; with will power alone nobody has claimed greatness. Active imagination with sustained perseverance will bring desired results.Effort has to come to persue the imagined idea . So for all the day dreamers with only imagination that too fleeting and always changing, and above it no action to execute it, they won’t get any result.
I wish teachers instead of discouraging imaginations and out of the box thinking among students, just ensure that they stick to their imagination and pursue it relentlessly and not allow it to just fade away. Examples of some great imaginators; Mark Zukerburg of facebook, Steve jobs of Apple, Biz stone of twitter and more recently Elizabeth Holmes who started a company called Theranos which has already revolutionized blood testing. Her company does more than 500 different tests in a single drop of blood and the results made available in 4 hours.
Given by Dr Emille Co’u in 1923 in a article that has been in continuous print more than a century now says;
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