Port Blair, Apr 18: Mr. P Jawahar, Deputy Commissioner and Mr. Kuldeep Rai Sharma, PCC, President attended the inaugural function of Canoe race at Car Nicobar on 17th April, 2013 as Chief Guest and Guest of Honor respectively.
During the programme Mr. Jawahar appreciated the efforts of the Tribal Council for the efforts in organizing the race. As a Guest of honour Mr. Sharma congratulated the Nicobar Athletic Association and Tribal Council for organizing the event.
He was thrilled to witness the adventurous race which were participated by the most energetic Nicobari youths and appreciated their team work to compete with other competitors and that too with a feeling of brotherhood.
The Bishop Rt. Rev Christopher Paul, Aberdeen Blair, Chief Captain, Village Captains, officers of the Administration, dignitaries and a large number of villagers were present in the function.
Today the final Canoe race competition was played between various villages of Car Nicobar which was graced by the Dy. Vice Chairman of Tribal Council Mr. A Ceephas Jack as the Chief guest and Education Officer Mr. H Danial as Guest of Honor.
As per the information passed on by Mr Martin Luther, Secretary to the Tribal council to the office of PCC, Port Blair, Tamalu Village has been declared as first while villages Malaca, Kenyuka and big Lapathy bagged 2nd, 3rd and 4th prizes respectively in category A.
In category B, village Mus received the first prize while Kenyuka, Tamalu and Small Lapathy villages bagged 2nd, 3rd and 4th Prizes. Prizes were given by A Chephas Jack. PCC Chief Mr. Kuldeep, in his message, has congratulated all the participants.
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