Sri Vijaya Puram, Mar 09: The Sub-Divisional Legal Services Committee, North & Middle Andaman at Mayabunder, under the aegis of the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) and the District Legal Services Authority, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, celebrated “International Womens’ Day 2025” and held the “National Lok Adalat” on 08.03.2025 in the District Court Complex at Mayabunder as well as in the Circuit Court at Diglipur.
Mr. Subhajit Basu, Ld. Additional District & Sessions Judge-cum- Chairman, Sub Divisional Legal Services Committee, North & Middle Andaman lighted the lamp to mark the “International Womens’ Day 2025” in the presence of Mrs. Nandini Maharaj, Deputy Commissioner, N & M Andaman, Mr. Asish Joon, Assistant Commissioner, N & M Andaman, Miss Shweta K Sugathan, SP, N & M Andaman, Mrs. Dr. Alice BWA, Dr. RP Hospital, Mayabunder, Mr. Dhanesh R, Deputy Commandant, Coast Guard, Mayabunder Smt. Rajavalley, Executive Engineer, APWD, Mayabunder,
Mr. Abdul Mobin, Assistant Engineer, APWD, Mayabunder, Mr. Chandan G S, Dy. SP, Rangat, Mr. R K Singh, Dy. SP, Mayabunder, Mr. Feroz Qazi, Secretary, Bar Association, Mayabunder, Mr. Uttam Kirtania, Additional- cum-Special Public Prosecutor and other dignitaries including Ld. Lawyers of Mayabunder Court. The learned Additional District & Sessions Judge highlighted the importance of the Day by emphasizing that this year is the campaign to accelerate action to empower women and girl children globally. This is also the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and platform for advancing women’s rights internationally.
Emphasize was also laid alternative dispute redressal mechanism including lok adalats to amicably settle disputes between the parties in a situation where NO ONE LOSES.
The Bench of the National Lok Adalat at Mayabunder was presided over by Mr. Subhajit Basu, the Additional District & Sessions Judge, North & Middle Andaman -cum- Chairman, Sub-Divisional Legal Services Committee, Mayabunder as Chairman alongwith learned Advocate Mr.
Sudip Sutradhar and Social Worker Mr. Saw Thomson as Members wherein 100 number of pre-litigation cases relating to the defaulters of BSNL, cases of civil disputes, 57 pre-litigation cases of Bank recovery and 112 number criminal cases involving petty offences were placed for disposal. The Bench at Mayabunder disposed 16 pre-litigation cases of BSNL thereby leading to a cash collection of Rs. 10,900/- out of the long pending claim of Rs.18,711/- giving relief to the litigants, 15 pre-litigation cases of Bank Recovery thereby leading to a cash collection of Rs. 12,95,000/-out of the long pending claim of Rs.17,59,965.62 giving relief to the litigants.
Furthermore 60 criminal compoundable cases were settled leading to a cash collection of Rs. 1,53,100/- in the form of fine.
The Bench at Circuit Court at Diglipur was presided over by Mr. Somnath Das, the Judicial Magistrate First Class -cum- Civil Judge Junior Division, North & Middle Andaman, Mayabunder as Chairman alongwith Id. Advocate Mrs. Ranjita Sarkar and Social Worker Mr. Shyamal Debnath as Members wherein 37 criminal compoundable cases and 150 pre-litigation cases of BSNL & Bank Recovery. This Bench disposed 13 pre-litigation cases of BSNL & 21 cases of Bank Recovery thereby leading to a cash collection of Rs. 26,05,617/- out of the long penging claim of Rs.26,06,517/- giving relief to the litigants.
Furthermore 28 criminal compoundable cases were settled leading to a cash collection of Rs. 95,900/- in the form of fine.
There was a great enthusiasm amongst the defaulters and litigants and the active cooperation from all the stakeholders of both Mayabunder and Diglipur made the National Lok Adalat at North & Middle Andaman District a grand success.
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