Sri Vijaya Puram, Feb. 13: The District Legal Services Authority, Andaman & Nicobar Islands will be holding National Lok Adalat in the District Court Complex at Port Blair and Sub-Divisional Court Complex at Mayabunder and Circuit Court at Diglipur on 08.03.2025. Besides the compoundable nature of cases pending in different Courts, disputes at the pre-litigation stage will also be entertained by the National Lok Adalat for disposal upon consensual settlement between the parties. Pre-litigation disputes include (i) NI Act cases u/s 138, (ii) Money recovery cases, (iii) Labour dispute cases, (iv) Electricity and water bills cases (excluding non-compoundable), (v) Maintenance cases (vi) Civil disputes and (vii) Disputes under the Consumer Protection Act.
The public in general having any such dispute at the pre-litigation stage or post-litigation stage are at liberty to submit their disputes in writing to the Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Port Blair before Feb.27, 2025, so that their disputes may be processed and made ready for hearing before the National Lok Adalat on March 8, 2025.
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