Sri Vijaya Puram, Jan 17: In the early hours of 16th January, 2025, acting on a tip-off, the Forest officials of the Tushnabad Range conducted a successful night patrolling operation. The operation resulted in the detection and seizure of illegal timber from the Caddlegunj Forest area, located within the Brindaban-Port Mout Reserved Forest Block-I.
The operation was led by Mr. Anthony-II, Forest Guard and actively supported by team members Mr. S Ramesh, Mazdoor, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Mazdoor, Mr. K Hussainar, Mazdoor, and Mr. Prasanta Das, DRM. Despite the challenges posed by the darkness, the team carried out an intensive search of the forest, identifying a site where two persons were found converting logs into sawn timber. Upon spotting the Forest officials, the offenders managed to escape taking advantage of the darkness, despite being chased by the Forest officials.
The operation resulted in the seizure of 14 pieces of illegal hand-sawn Padauk timber, totaling a volume of 0.291 cbm, along with tools and utensils used in the illegal activity. Efforts are ongoing to apprehend the absconding offenders.
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