Sri Vijaya Puram, Jan 03: As a part of ‘Mission Life’ Botanical Survey of India, organized a Special lecture on “The Changing Paradigm of our Environment” in association with Scientist Unique Researchers Yare Association (SURYA), India. Dr. E. B. Chakurkar, Director ICAR- CIARI was the Chief Guest and Prof. A. K. Srivastav, Former Head, Department of Zoology, BBC, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India & Principal Executive of (SURYA) was the speaker of the special lecture. Addl. Director & Regional Head, Dr. Lal Singh, welcomed the gathering, and briefed about the theme of this programme with the aim to create awareness on “Natural Resources in our Daily Life” to motivate use of eco-friendly products towards sustainable life.
In the felicitation address, Dr Chakurkar emphasized upon the impact of our lifestyle on the environment and briefed about the scientific research, and its importance publishing in different journals. During the occasion, the 30th Volume of an International Journal of Biological Sciences – ‘Flora and Fauna’ with Peer reviewed – NAAS Rated 4.74; UGC-CARE listed was released. The journal has been publishing from the endeavour of ‘Scientist Unique Researchers Yare Association’ (SURYA), India which is open accessed and has been Indexing in Web of Science (Zoological Records), Index Copernicus International, Indian Citation Index, Indian Science Abstracts, C.A.B. International and Google Scholar.
Esteemed speaker Prof. Srivastav emphasized upon how an eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyle would save our environment and reduce the negative impacts. During his talk dignitaries from various organisations such Pondicherry University Brookshabad Campus, JNRM, Atal Centre for Ocean Science & Technology for Islands (NIOT), Faculty members of various departments of Jawaharlal Nehru Rajkeeya Mahavidyalaya, Fisheries Survey of India, Anthropological Survey of India, Indian Council of Medical Research, ICAR-CIARI, Science Centre, CPR-Environmental Education Centre, BSI, Doordarshan and Akashwani and over 100 students were attended. Vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Vivek Kumar Sahu, Assistant Professor, JNRM. The function concluded with the National Anthem.
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