Sri Vijaya Puram, Jan 02: On January 1, 2025, the Gram Panchayat of Ramnagar took a significant step towards environmental conservation by officially declaring Ramnagar Beach as a “Plastic-Free Zone.” This move is part of the Swachh Bharat Mission, aiming to reduce plastic pollution and promote cleanliness in the village.
The initiative was inaugurated on December 31, 2024, in a ceremony attended by several distinguished guests. Block Development Officer of Diglipur, Mr. Rajendra Kumar, served as the chief guest, while Mr. Suresh.V, the Range Officer for Wildlife Kalara, and Mr. Rasheed, the Forest Range Officer for Kalighat, were the guests of honor. During the inaugural program, the dignitaries praised the initiative, urging the public to reduce plastic usage in order to preserve the natural beauty of Ramnagar village.
To further enforce this initiative and maintain cleanliness, Mr. Mitun Das, the Pradhan of Ramnagar Gram Panchayat, announced the introduction of vehicle entry charges and security deposits. These measures aim to discourage the use of plastic items and encourage their proper disposal. The charges and deposit details are as follows:
Vehicle Entry Charges (Non-Refundable):
• For 2-wheelers: Rs. 10/-
• For 3 & 4-wheelers: Rs. 20/-
• For Buses/Tempo/Pick-up Vans/Others: Rs. 50/-
Security Deposits for Plastic Items:
• 2 liters or above (Water/Juice/Glass Bottles): Rs. 200/-
• Chips packets/less than 2 liters small juice packets/other items: Rs. 100/-
The security deposit will be refunded if the items are returned to the Panchayat counter. However, if they are not returned, the deposit will be forfeited.
The event concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Mrs. Kakoli Ghosh, Panchayat Secretary of Ramnagar. Through these initiatives, the Gram Panchayat aims to create a cleaner, greener environment and set an example for other regions to follow in the fight against plastic pollution.
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