Port Blair, Sept. 5:The Andaman and Nicobar Idol Immersion Rules 2018 were published in the Andaman and Nicobar Gazette No. 23 dated 05-03-2018 in compliance of Hon’ble National Green Tribunal order dated 06-10-2017 in O.A 51/2016/EZ. The Rules framed covers the general guidelines idol making, ban on use of synthetic colors, height of super structures and idols. In this connection, all the Idol makers and Puja Committees have been directed to follow the guidelines for idol immersion as mentioned below:
• Idols should be made from natural materials as described in the holy scripts. Use of traditional clay for idol making rather than baked clay, Plaster of Paris (POP) etc. shall be encouraged, allowed and promoted.
• There shall be a complete ban on the use of POP in idol making till it is established that the POP has no negative impact on the water quality and aquatic bio-diversity.
• Painting of idols should be discouraged. In case idols are to be painted, water soluble and non-toxic natural dyes are to be used.
• There shall be a complete ban on the use of synthetic colour for painting of idols that would require immersion as part of final ritual of the festival.
• The height of the super structure of the idol shall be less than 40 ft. and the idol also shall not exceed 20ft in height.
• Materials used in worship like flowers, vastras (clothes), decorative materials (made of paper and plastic) etc. should be removed before immersion of idols. Biodegradable materials should be collected separately for recycling or composting at designated sites whereas the non-biodegradable materials should be collected separately for disposal in sanitary landfills or as prescribed by the local Municipal Authority or local body. Clothes may be sent to local orphanage(s).
• Idol Immersion should be done between low tide line and high tide line (irrespective of its depth) in an identified place with permission of District Administration only.
• Single use plastic should not be used during celebration.
Make this Puja celebration Plastic free
(Source: ANPCC)
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