Port Blair, Feb13: In his letter to the Lt. Governor Mr. Bishnu Pada Ray, Member of Parliament emphasized that he took the matter for the need to introduce Mediclaim policy for Govt Pensioners and Middle Class people in A & N Islands in the Parliament at the ‘0’ hour (under rule 377 of the rules for the conduct of business in the Lok Sabha) on 4/5/2010 and continuously was in correspondence with Shri Gulam Nabi Azad, the Hon’ble Health Minister.
Vide his D.O No. H-110150/04/2010-CGHS-P dated 10/8/2010 the Union Health Minister promised for the introduction of the same resulting the finalization of the schemes by the Administration extending benefits to all persons holding BPL/AAY Cards, Retired Govt Employs and Permanent residence of A &N Islands and the depended family members ( with family up to Rs. 3 lakhs and are not govt servants).
The scheme shall provide coverage for meeting all expenses relating to hospitalization of beneficiary up to Rs 5 Lakhs per family, per year in any of the empanelled hospital/nursing home subject to CGHS packages rate on cashless basis.
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