Staff Correspondent
Port Blair, Dec 18: In name of controlling infection the Health Department is offering cattle class treatment to the patients, attendants and general public.
Though the G B Pant Hospital has two gates, one for entry and one for exit, for smooth movement of vehicles carrying patients and general public, the Medical Superintendent of G B Pant Hospital has now blocked both the gates for General public.
The Gate from the Marine foreshore road is already closed for public, but for weird reasons the same has been kept open, only for Doctors.
And now the entry from the OPD direction has also been blocked with the help of the security guards and a giant Iron Road Barrier.
The gate is always closed for public and no private vehicle is allowed beyond that point. As the gate occupies most of the road, there is hardly any space for public to go to the other side. Hence ladies, children and even patients have to jump from the side of parking area to reach to the other side. Those who try to lower their head and cross the barrier, often bang their head and get injuries.
There are more than two security guards, placed on duty near the gate but none of them open the gate for public and enjoy seeing public getting harassed and injured with the cattle class treatment. Often they sing songs to tease public.
However, for every staff of G B Pant the guards open up the gate, so that they don’t have to lower their head.
Why this double standard? Why such kind of cattle class treatment for general public in a government hospital? Are we living in a free country or still we are in living under Japanese rule?
Andaman Sheekha had tried to get version of the Health Department in all the issues but the versions are equally ‘irritating’ as these new rules are.
Hope, the Chief Secretary of the Lt. Governor will find some time to visit the hospital and try atleast once to cross the Iron Road Barrier, carrying luggage and food for patients, when the barrier is lowered. Only then top officials will be able understand the real pain of general public.
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