Sheekha Bureau
Port Blair, Nov 21: Believe it or not, late John Allen Chau, who was reportedly killed by Sentinelese Tribes at North Sentinel Island. This was revealed by the journal he wrote in several papers sitting on the wooden dinghy and also on the Island, between 14 – 17 November 2018.
The journal was handed over to the fishermen by John Allen Chau on 16 November 2018 night when John Allen Chau said he don’t want to return back and want to stay in the Island, by that time his canoe was either damaged or taken away by tribes and he had also sustained some injuries. John had come upto the dinghy all the way swimming and also returned back by swimming. Next day morning when fishermen returned they reportedly saw that tribes were dragging his body and then burying it in sand.
In his journal, total 13 pages, he wrote about his experiences about contacting the tribes.
According to highly placed sources source, John Allen Chau went to the Islands with stuffs like scissors, safety pins, football as gift. He wrote that some members of Sentinelese Tribes were good to him while some were very aggressive. According to sources he wrote lines like “He is doing this to establish kingdom of Jesus in the Island” he wrote “I have been so nice to them why they are so angry and aggressive”, “Some natives yelled at me and when I yelled at them in the same way, they laughed”.
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