American National reportedly killed by Sentinelese Tribes of Andaman
Sheekha Bureau
Port Blair, Nov 20: An American tourist, identified as John Allen Chau, 27 years, has been reportedly killed by tribes of Sentinelese Community at North Sentinel Island.
Unconfirmed sources say that the American National had gone to North Sentinel Island with a local fisherman nearly five days back to interact with Sentinelese tribes, where he was reportedly killed by the hostile tribes of Sentinel Islands.
It has been learnt that since this afternoon several closed door meetings have been conducted by senior police officers to get complete details about this case and to register a proper FIR, in this regard.
Atlast, by late evening, a senior police officer confirmed that tonight a case of murder has been registered against unknown tribal members of Sentinelese Community.
“After getting relevant information a murder case has been registered,” the senior officer said.
Sources said that the victim visited Andaman and Nicobar Islands five times in past and had a strong desire to meet Sentinelese Tribes for preaching Christianity.
John Allen Chau reportedly hired fishing dinghy from Chidiyatapu area and with the help of some fishermen he reached closed to the Island on 16 November 2018, from where he travelled in his own canoe. Sources also said that a failed attempt was made on 14 November 2018 also.
Sources said that at North Sentinel Island he was killed by the hostile tribes and his body was spotted by some fishermen.
The Deputy Commissioner South Andaman and even the official spokesperson of A & N Administration were unavailable for a comment in this regard.
According to sources, John Allen Chau was staying in a moderate hotel at Dignabad area of Port Blair city.
Sentinelese is a hostile tribal community living in North Sentinel Island of South Andaman.
Serves him right.
This American certainly went there to try evangelism with those fierce tribes. Since they do not know the value of money, they did not buy his Mary and Jesus story.
However, the fishermen who took him there sold their self-respect and culture to a soul harvester.
Some things are better left untouched and unaltered by modern civilization. They are self sufficient and do not need any religion to save them.
Its not murder, if you enter illegally and get killed in a jungle due to factors who are not controlled by laws of our society.
We should respect any uncontacted tribes right to live without interference from the modern world. In the past when we have made contact we have brought diseases that the tribes have no resistance too and many have died. The tribe we contacted in the early 1900s and tribes taken away from the island. They we later returned when they became sick. Maybe the tribe knows that any contact with outside world may bring death and disease.
Those fishermen are the real culprits. Let, the sentinelese people live their own way. They should have instead alerted the authorities about John Allen Chau’s alleged Interest in North Sentinel Island.
It was a forbidden Island!!! Everyone knew they were hostile!!! They probably have no idea what murder charges are or that this missionary was harmless…..He was illegally trespassing. There is no way a murder charge should be assessed against a tribe who represent what our planet was back in years ago…They were surviving among themselves and didn’t need our interference in their world.
I hope the government arrests those people who killed him. We as Americans dismantled the reservations and gave them a place to live and better them selfs . Anyone could end up on that island. And there hostility towards us or anyone should not be tolerated or allowed to happen. They need arrested and the island should be seized by the government and then make it a nice place to travel with this bullshit that is going on there. You don’t even know if there’s terrists hiding there. I see a go fund me getting started to raise money for the rewards to get the people who killed him . Don’t be lazy about it. Over time bad stuff will happen to those people and the island they claim is there’s. That’s gods land no hateful people who kill for no reason.
I’m no lawyer, but it is known to people in the area that it is illegal to go to that island.
Those people are to be protected from disease that they may have no developed immunity to, and it is already established that they are hostile to interlopers.
While the loss of this missionary’s life is regrettable, since he seemed to have good intentions, he was endangering the indigenous tribes with his presence. Who knows what may happen to them as a result of his tampering? They could be getting sick right now. We’re not even allowed to know.
In conclusion, the ICC have blood on their hands. They should have discouraged, nay, forbidden his quest.
For the ICC to call his death “persecution” is not only wrong, it’s insulting.
There is no case for “murder.” It was suicide.
Hello and thank for this story. I have seen reports in the media (Patheos) essentially accusing the International Christian Concern agency of wanting murder charges brought against the tribe in question. From what I have read here and on the ICC’s site they were merely reporting about it. Can you please verify? Thank you, Steve
His actions were illegal and he got what he sought. He wanted to be a martyr for the Christian world and gain fame. No tears for his misadventures and deliberate mistakes.
I cannot understand why a murder can be registered here. It seems that this missionary went to a community that did not want outsiders, and reports seem to indicate that he knew this…and that he knew the Islanders would violently repel him. The missionary also did not seem concerned by the fact that these Island communities were so isolated that any contact with them could invariably infect the community with illnesses that could wipe them out.
As a Black American and causality of the Christian British Slave Trade, I implore the Deputy Commissioner South Andaman not to prosecute the Sentinelese Tribesman that killed Chau.
Chau broke the law by hiring fisherman to take him to the island. Prosecute the fisherman.
You as well as I, a Black American Christian, understand the evil of colonizing under the guise of spreading Christianity. The Sentinelese were protecting themselves from outsiders.
The Sentinelese should be left alone. I suspect the fisherman most likely had a hidden agenda that is kin to colonizing the Sentinelese.
He knew the medical dangers of approaching this tribe and the fatal potential consequences of his contact!!
This is attempted murder by genocide!
And his group needs to be arrested for conspiracy to commit crimes against humanity!!